Do You Suspect Joint Pain And Dog Arthritis In Your Pet

Most people are aware that arthritis is common and we might have to deal with it as we age, but many don’t know that dog arthritis is just as common as dogs age. Arthritis in dogs is commonly caused from the same things that affect people and the symptoms are very similar as well. Most cases are due to excessive weight combined with a highly lethargic lifestyle. Common symptoms of this illness include a sharp decrease in energy levels, increased amount of sleep and a lot of pain and discomfort in the joints.

The similarities in arthritis that people have and that which dogs suffer from are amazing. In both cases, the bones deteriorate over time and the muscles and joints gradually harden. This can reduce the way your dog moves and how flexible he is, which means that it’s hard to walk or even run. Dog arthritis pain, can cause terrible pain when it’s not treated properly.

Injuries and Hip Dysplasia

Just as when people age, dog arthritis is common among older animals. However, there are also a lot of premature dog arthritis cases especially in larger breeds and in dogs that are far too overweight. Injuries which occured earlier in the dog’s life might also cause premature arthritis in dogs no matter how large they are. Common dog injuries might include hip dysplasia which often includes symptoms such as limping and trouble walking and is one of the more common causes of arthritis in later life.

Although arthritis can rarely be completely treated, you can give your dog a lot of comfort and relief from the pain by taking him to the vet as soon as the earliest symptoms become noticeable. You can also use natural pain relieving supplements such as Arthro-IonX. The moment you see your dog limping or becoming less energetic than usual, it is recommended that you take him to the vet for a thorough checkup. If he does have dog arthritis, your vet will be able to recommend the proper kind of exercise routines that will give him much relief from the pain of his illness, as well as suggest a better diet that is suited for his condition.

Medications for dog arthritis are not that commonly used, although for cases where extreme pain is involved, you can give your dog some natural medicines that can help reduce the pain. If you prefer a natural treatment you can also read an Arthro-IonX review. You should also take your dog to the vet at least once a year from the time he is 10 on, so you can spot any signs of illnesses and be treated as early as possible.

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