When Your Dog Gets Old

Dogs are members of your family. You love them. It will not be easy to deal with the problems associated with aging. However, this is the time when they need you. They have protected and provided you with companionship. It is time to express your appreciation. Only if your dog is in terrible pain and terminally ill, should you consider, euthanasia. If your dog is still healthy, you can have many more years together.

Sometimes they may do things that will be bothersome. Remember that they do not purposely do things to irritate or inconvenience you. Your pet may get sick on bedding quilts. Do not go with your initial reaction.

Dogs cannot think as you do. Do not get out your roasting pan with lid. Take corrective action instead. Do not let them on the bed after they have eaten. This may work well for drinking water, also. Does your pet sleep in your bed? If you try to stop it, the dog will feel as if it is being punished.

Does the dog become nauseated easily? This is common. When this happens consider cinnamon and honey. You can mix it together on a saucer. Try one part of cinnamon to four parts of honey. A teaspoon or so should work well. Feed it to your pet. You may need to place some in the dog’s mouth. They will usually eat it. You may try it on toasted bread, also.

In case your pet has specific medical problems, consult your vet, first. The honey and cinnamon should be safe for your dog. However, do not take any chances, if you have concerns.

If your dog has trouble with its current dog food, consider meat. It is more trouble to prepare meat for the dog. Things like chicken thighs or ground turkey are not too expensive. However, it may assist their digestion and improve their health. Dogs are carnivorous and need plenty of meat. Ground turkey works well as it is easier for them to chew.

Many dogs will lose vision as they grow older. Remember to take that into account. You may like to rearrange furniture in rooms, often. Be prepared to use your cordless handheld vacuum, if so. Things will become broken and spilled. Your dog may also become injured.


Your dog is a member for your family. They will grow old and die long before most other family members. Make allowances for the changes that they will go through. Do not give up on them. Your kids are watching. Some day you may be in the same position.

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